Introducing… Yorkston/Thorne/Khan

A new trio with familiar faces...

Yorkston/Thorne/Khan is a new trio featuring three very familiar faces.

James Yorkston needs no introduction, while the work of Suhail Yusuf Khan and Jon Thorne could well be familiar to you.

A full collaborative project, Yorkston/Thorne/Khan will release new album 'Everything Sacred' on January 15th. James Yorkston introduces the project thus:

"Playing together as Yorkston / Thorne / Khan, we tackle a wide array of different sounds and songs. Alongside pieces of our own, there's a fair chunk of improvisation, plus covers of Ivor Cutler's 'Little Black Buzzer' and Lal Waterson's 'Song For Thirza'. Jon's jazz back-ground definitely comes to the fore, as does Suhail's devotional singing and outstanding sarangi playing. I just do my best to keep up…"

And indeed 'Little Black Buzzer' is online now – matching Cutler's beautifully humorous lyrics to an arrangement which pits Eastern flourishes against celtic harmonies.

Check it out now.

'Everything Sacred' is due to be released on January 15th.

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