Blue collar New Jersey types The Gaslight Anthem have spoken to ClashMusic – about in flight toilets.
Cult heroes, with their album ‘The 59 Sound’ New Jersey types The Gaslight Anthem broke into the mainstream. An international success, it sent the band on a world wide tour which opened their eyes to new experiences.
Different cultures, food and languages passed them by in a blur of tour dates. However what apparently made the biggest impression on The Gaslight Anthem was their experience of in flight toilets.
A nerve-racking experience, doing the deed on an airplane has become commonplace for the hard touring outfit. Benny Horowitz spoke to ClashMusic about his experience of “shitting and airplanes”.
“While I’m taking a seat in an airplane bathroom, I always like to picture myself up there without a plane” he explained. “Just me, pants at my ankles, flying at 800MPH through the air, at 36,000feet, tall above the clouds, pooping.”
“Almost like Snoopy on top of his dog house when he was the Red Baron, donning a scarf and old leather WWI goggles. Just tearing through the atmosphere by myself, face flapping in the wind, handling my business. I welcome these thoughts up there; anything to give me a laugh in such a situation.”
Continuing, the guitarist revealed that he frequently becomes anxious when flying across continents. “When I can get over my unbearable anxiety and claustrophobia of being on an airplane, I can sometimes muster the view of the righteous man. Which is: we are damn lucky to be able to fly. In reality, we are lucky to be part of such a small timeline in history where it’s even possible.”
“For thousands of years people stood on the ground wondering what was up above those clouds. And now, millions of people have seen those clouds from the top, myself included” he conclude.
Read the entire article HERE.