Exclusive Gallows Interview

Clash talks to the mould-breaking punks...

Clash called in at the label HQ of fiery punk five-piece Gallows earlier today for an interview. You can read the piece in full in the coming weeks on ClashMusic.com.

For now, though, here’s a snippet from our time together, with vocalist Frank Carter and bassist Stu Gili-Ross. We’re talking authenticity in hardcore, of course. As you do…

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Frank: I don’t think about the fashion, and I don’t think about the bullshit. I just think about the pure energy of playing, and that’s what we’ve always been about. We were never accepted in any hardcore scenes, and we never passed as a hardcore band. Gallows was a dirty word on the hardcore scene, but fuck ‘em because we did more than any of them could ever do. So many of those bands are so formulaic, so generic…

Stu: If you come from [the hardcore scene], you get criticised for turning your back on it, for acting like you were never a part of it. But if you acknowledge that you were part of the hardcore scene, and you want to open eyes to it, you get criticised for not being what people think of as a hardcore band. So you can’t win. So I just call us a rock band.

Frank: Anyway, if Keith Morris of Black Flag is telling people to check out our band… I was just thinking: Who is the God of hardcore? And it’s him, and he likes our band, so fuck everyone else.

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Gallows release their (frankly pretty amazing) second album, ‘Grey Britain’, via Warner Bros. on May 4, and tour around the release. Click HERE for our special preview of the album, plus tour tickets and more.

Read our full interview with Gallows soon on ClashMusic.com.

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