Elvis Costello has defended Olivia Rodrigo from plagiarism accusations.
The American star's rapid ascent has won an army of fans, but it's also brought a backlash of sorts.
Debut album 'Sour' won rave reviews, but the record wore its influences on its sleeve, bringing claims of plagiarism.
Some of the imagery surrounding 'Sour' has been compared to the work of Pom Pom Squad, while Courtney Love contrasted Olivia's cover art with Hole's 'Live Through This' in a series of snarky social media bursts.
One fan tried to draw in Elvis Costello, comparing 'Sour' opening track 'brutal' to the UK songwriter's hit 'Pump It Up'.
Elvis Costello responded: "This is fine by me, Billy. It’s how rock and roll works. You take the broken pieces of another thrill and make a brand new toy. That’s what I did."
Using hashtags, Elvis Costello then pointed out his song's similarity to Bob Dylan's 'Subterranean Homesick Blues', and that song's own debt to Chuck Berry's 'Too Much Monkey Business'.
This is fine by me, Billy.
It’s how rock and roll works. You take the broken pieces of another thrill and make a brand new toy. That’s what I did. #subterreaneanhomesickblues #toomuchmonkeybusiness— Elvis Costello (@ElvisCostello) June 28, 2021
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