Eli Smart Launches New EP ‘Aloha Soul’

Check out new single 'Cry At The Comedy'...

Eli Smart has laid out plans for new EP ‘Aloha Soul’.

The songwriter hails from Hawaii via Liverpool, someone for whom music sits close to his soul. As a result, there’s a sparkling precocity to his work, something that his incoming EP exemplifies.

Out shortly, ‘Aloha Soul’ EP gathers together some of his personal ideas, filtering them through a soulful pop lens. Set to support Brooke Combe and Cassia on separate UK tours, you’ll be hearing a lot from Eli Smart in the coming months, and it starts with his brand new single.

‘Cry At The Comedy’ crackles with life, a space for Eli Smart to fuse light and shade. An effervescent return, it stems from lockdown, and those moments when conflicting viewpoints would spark into anger.

He comments…

I wrote ‘Cry At The Comedy’ in a moment of frustration during lockdown. It was a very telling time for people’s ideologies and there was a lot of confrontation going on in my immediate circle of people. I was really over people denying responsibility in such a serious situation and living recklessly in the guise of “peace and love” and “good vibes”. This tune was written about the chilling irony of being so blinded and trapped by one’s own ideology that it makes you wanna cry at the deep tragic comedy of it all.”

Tune in now.

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