Eden Samara’s ‘Madonna’ Radiates Light

It's a bold forward step...

Canadian creator Eden Samara has shared new cut ‘Madonna’.

The singer, writer, and producer has made waves via a number of key collaborations, including a stellar turn on Loraine James’ epic ‘Reflection’ highlight ‘Running Like That’.

Working with key UK imprint Local Action, the London-based artist intends to release a full album under her own name this Autumn, and it’s led by startling new single ‘Madonna’.

A track that seems to radiate light, ‘Madonna’ shines with self-belief, the sound of someone claiming their identity as their own. Loosely house-centric, ‘Madonna’ is reminiscent of Jessy Lanza, say, in its ability to fuse club tropes with melodic songwriting, while also offering Eden Samara a powerful lane to label her own.

Lyrically, she draws on Freud’s Madonna-whore complex, but uses this to explore her own feelings of navigating dating as a queer woman. In her words, ‘Madonna’ “navigates fears I’ve experienced when first dating someone about being accepted for the most complex areas of my sexuality and queerness…”

Tune in now.

Photo Credit: El Hardwick

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