Florida producer Diplo has travelled to Cuba, giving fans an insight into the island’s culture.
Diplo is one of the most influential producers around. Through his work with M.I.A. the Florida bass head has helped to redefine pop, blurring the edges between styles, genres and even continents.
With his Major Lazer project beginning to settle down, Diplo recently took time off to head to Cuba. The Communist run island lies just a few miles from the coast of Florida, and the producer has written a message to fans outlining his thoughts.
Describing the island Diplo explained that there is a “lack of advertisements. There is never a billboard around with a Coke or Toyota or an AT&T ad. This might not sound like a big deal, but it’s a big fuckin deal. It was really easy on my eyes.”
“It’s alarming how calm it is with no brain-melting ads to look at, but instead of ads there was lots of crazy 70’s typeface propaganda everywhere. This might be annoying if i had to look at a GWBush paintings with upside down exclamation marks and Spanish written everywhere, but actually for me it was really charming.”
The aim of Diplo’s journey was to explore the music of Calle 13, and the producer was impressed by how deep Cuba’s love of music runs. “The first day I get to hang with Calle 13 (who btw way are onto some fainting girl, Micheal Jackson Justin Beiber shit out there) and we went to this famous art museum, Casa Tomada, where we got free coffee and I took mad photos of cuban contemporary art.”
“Art and music are like a big big big deal for Cuban people. I think 80 percent of the cubans can play an instrument and it seems like art and film and medicine are revered.”
Read the entire article HERE.