Prime Minister David Cameron has claimed that he "will go on" listening to The Smiths despite Morrissey & Marr's orders to the contrary.
It can't be easy being a high profile politician. Clash have got 'The Thick Of It' on box set and – despite being incredibly funny – it makes reviewing pop singles look like a walk in the park.
David Cameron once admitted to being a fan of The Smiths, something which the original members haven't quite forgiven him for. In a tweet back in 2010 guitarist Johnny Marr wrote: "David Cameron, stop saying that you like The Smiths, no you don't. I forbid you to like it".
Since then, the politician has endured public taunting with Morrissey echoing the guitarist's concerns. Speaking to the BBC, though, David Cameron has insisted that he will continue listening to the band despite their protestations.
"I've now got Johnny Marr and other members of the band saying I'm not able to listen to the The Smiths" he said. "When I've got the complete and full set, even then, I'm afraid, I will go on and listen to The Smiths."
Meanwhile, Johnny Marr is preparing to release his new solo album. 'The Messenger' is a punchy return, informed by the post-punk period and his own experiences of adolescence.
Speaking to ClashMusic recently, the guitarist attacked the way in which this country is currently treating young people: “The experience for school leavers is terrifying now, because there’s only uni now if you know what job you want to do. There’s only going to uni and that just means getting into a shitload of debt."
Read the full interview HERE. Even if you are David Cameron.