Daniel Avery Soundtracks Short Film VOID

Released on the anniversary of lockdown...

Daniel Avery has soundtracked new short film VOID.

The short film was pieced together by London-based filmmakers Tom Andrew and Sam Davis, and it comes on the first anniversary of lockdown.

The 14 minute film is being released in partnership with CALM – Campaign Against Living Miserably – and features portraits of club spaces and their owners during the past 12 months.

Daniel Avery handles the brooding, meditative soundtrack, which adds to the rich atmosphere of the visual experience.

Andrew and Davis explain: "VOID was a concept born amidst the past twelve months, while time was stood still. We wanted to represent this feeling of paralysis that had integrated itself into our lives, and were drawn towards the distance we were feeling from the utter alchemy and escapism of the dance floor."

"Now currently stood empty, clubs contain an atmosphere that is searching for the love and togetherness they have held, while also carrying a restrained potential to create the same again. We wanted to capture this, while bringing an honest vision of the present, suspended between these two worlds."

Check out VOID below.

Daniel Avery will play London’s Hackney Church on May 29th – both performances of Together In Static have sold out.

Related: Complimentary States – Daniel Avery Interviewed

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