Conor Oberst Releases Single

Singer Gets Busy

Acclaimed American singer Conor Oberst is set to release new single ‘I Don’t Want To Die (In The Hospital)’ on November 17th, it has been announced.

The singer recently ditched the Bright Eyes moniker to release his first album under his own name in over a decade. ‘Conor Oberst’ was a typically breath-taking display of songwriting prowess, recorded in Tepoztlán, a place known for Aztec Magic and Extra-Terrestrial Sightings.

Backed by the Mystic Valley Band, Conor Oberst recently played a series of UK dates, including a main stage slot at Hydro Connect in Scotland. New single ‘I Don’t Want To Die (In Hospital)’ is a piano led jig, and Oberst had the following to say about his creation:

“This guy didn’t mind the idea of dying, but he just didn’t want to die in such an undignified place (as a hospital). He wanted to be out in the desert, under the stars. He told me if he was ever in a hospital that I should break him out. It’s a jailbreak song.”

Conor Oberst releases his new single ‘I Don’t Want To Die (In Hospital)’ on November 17th.

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