Coldplay Set For Number One

New Album Outselling Rivals

“Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends” by Coldplay is set to race into the album charts at number one, the UK Chart Company have revealed.

The new album has already topped pre-order charts and is apparently outselling the rest of the Top Five combined. Coldplay enjoyed massive first day sales with over 125,000 copies flying off the shelves on the first day alone. These figures are in spite of the fact that the album was only released on Thursday (June 12th) due to international scheduling priorities.

“Viva La Vida” should head straight to number one with one of Coldplay’s best ever first week performances. All that hasn’t helped lead singer Chris Martin’s mood, however, with the frontman storming out of a Radio Four interview yesterday – though he later returned to answer a final question.

“Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends” by Coldplay is on general release.

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