Claire Rosinkranz Shares ‘Pools And Palm Trees’

A chilled single from the 19 year old auteur...

Claire Rosinkranz has shared her new single ‘Pools And Palm Trees’.

The multi-talented SoCal native is still only 19 years old, yet her every missive seems to reach a colossal online audience. Perhaps that’s down to her outright honesty – a true over-sharer, Claire Rosinkranz is a relatable queen.

Debut album ‘Just Because’ lands on October 6th, with the songwriter calling it “a window into my world as I’m growing up and navigating life…”

New single ‘Pools And Palm Trees’ taps into this, a song about “missing someone” that marks their absence through the gentle isolation of the West Coast. The lyrics deal with accountability, the message marked by blossoming maturity.

At times, this is as blunt as Claire Rosinkranz has ever dared go. She signs: “I miss you a lot… ‘cause you feel like pools and palm trees swaying in the breeze.”

The songwriter explains…

“The song is about missing someone after going through a difficult situation, specifically missing someone who knows you very well and who always helps you feel better. But you can’t have them and can’t put that responsibility on them anymore.”

Tune in now.

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