Broadcast have shared a previously unheard vocal take on ‘The Games You Play’.
The group have cast an enduring spell on British music, with their slim but profoundly influential catalogue only gaining in stature over time. The tragic passing of vocalist Trish Keenan in 2011 effectively ended Broadcast as an ongoing endeavour, but a new archive release aims to bring together some of their final recordings.
‘Spell Blanket – Collected Demos 2006-2009’ is out on May 3rd, with Broadcast now sharing another preview of the release.
‘DDL’ was initially released as an instrumental, made available on the ‘All Tomorrow’s Parties 1.0’ compilation back in 2001. Subsequently utilised on ‘The Future Crayon’ rarities comp, Broadcast have now shared a full vocal take on the song.
Simply hearing Trish Keenan’s voice remains an other-worldly pleasure, and this vocal take twists the song in a fresh dimension. Perpetually remaining out of reach, ‘The Games You Play’ lingers on the sub-conscious, a dream-like message of pure beauty.
Tune in now.
Related: Complete Guide – Broadcast
Photo Credit: James Cargill