Beck Working On Studio Album

Alongside his sheet music project

Beck has revealed that he is working on a new studio album, in addition to his sheet music efforts.

Beck is a deeply idiosyncratic artist. Put simply, if he fancies doing something he will – and see the project through to the end. Currently readying his Songbook material for release, the songwriter is seemingly working on an actual, proper studio album.

Sessions date back to 2008, with Beck now attempting to draw the material together. Speaking to Australian radio station triple j, the songwriter explained that work on the album remained 'ongoing'.

"Hopefully I get these gentlemen together to do some more shows and new music," Beck told the station. "I started a record, largely recorded in 2008, so I'm trying to carve out some time from all the production work I'm doing to finish those songs before they become records from a lost era. It's going on a half decade at this point."

Earlier this month Beck wrote a letter for the New Yorker explaining more about his songbook project 'Beck Hansen's Song Reader'. "Don’t feel beholden to what’s notated. Use any instrument you want to. Change the chords; rephrase the melodies. Keep only the lyrics, if desired. Play it fast or slow, swung or straight. Take a song and make it an instrumental or an a cappella. Play it for friends, or only for yourself. These arrangements are starting-off points; they don’t originate from any definitive recording or performance".

Read the full letter HERE.

Beck is set to release 'Beck Hansen's Song Reader' via McSweeney's in December.

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