Bands Sign Petition Against Fur Use

Campesinos, SFA And More Protest

Los Campesinos, Super Furry Animals, The Wombats and many more indie acts have signed a new petition calling on British manufacturer Burberry to stop using fur in its clothes.

The fashion firm Burberry are perhaps now best known for providing the scarves and baseball caps the nestle on the head and neck of your local hooligan. The prestigious firm are also one of the few British companies who still use fur in their designs, and have attracted the wrath of the organization People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals (PETA).

PETA’s youth group peta2 has organized a petition against the use of fur in Burberry’s clothes and has attracted the signatures of Super Furry Animals (naturally), Los Campesinos! and many more.

Sign the petition here!

Art Brut frontman Eddie Argos signed the petition, and issued the following statement on fur use. “I don’t understand why anyone would wear fur. Everyone knows how animals are killed for their fur is brutal– it all comes down to vanity, which is pretty sad.”

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