Art School Girlfriend has shared the title track to her new album 'Is It Light Where You Are'.
The new album touches down on September 10th, and it follows a period of heartbreak and personal evolution in the life of its creator.
A project helmed by Polly Mackey, Art School Girlfriend touches on electronic immediacy on the title track of her new album.
'Is It Light Where You Are' seems to pour past boundaries, while the video for this digi-pop workout brings Polly closer to her fans.
She comments: “This is probably my favourite track and video I’ve ever released. The song wrote itself really quickly; it felt like I was chasing it. It’s based around a phone conversation with someone I was trying to get over, someone who was in a different place to me both mentally and physically. The title ‘Is It Light Where You Are’ has a double meaning: obviously time zones, but also, my world felt quite dark to me at that point and I was trying to make it light.”
Of the video itself, Art School Girlfriend continues: “I put a call out to fans asking them to film the skyline wherever they were in the world, all at the same time — 8:30pm BST on July 2nd 2021 — to help answer the question: is it light where you are?” Tune in now.
Photo Credit: Daniele Fummo
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