Mercury Music Prize nominee Adele has admitted in a new interview that she is struggling with writer’s block as she attempts to create a follow up to her acclaimed debut album ’19’.
The singer has rocketed from obscurity to the charts in little under a year, earning vast amounts of critical praise in the process. In a new interview with BBC 6Music, however, the singer has admitted that she is finding it hard to follow up debut album ’19’.
“Even though I’m given time to be on my own, the last thing I want to do is write a song,” she said. “I’ve written about six songs. Four are really bad, just because I’m kind of getting back into it. Two are alright.”
The singer admitted that a recent studio performance with The Raconteurs has made her hungry for more collaboration. Adele is apparently set to finish a song she co-wrote with Jamie T saying “we started writing a duet when I was writing my album, but never got round to finishing it. It would be good to finish that. I’m a huge fan of his (Jamie T),” she declared.