XX Teens: video exclusive and ticket giveaway

Get tickets to Kills support dates

A flurry of feature activity on ClashMusic.com today is brought to a close by this: a super-exclusive clip of a super-excellent band doing something super-brill.

XX Teens’ debut album, ‘Welcome To Goon Island’, was a critical success on its release earlier this year, via Mute; one of its tracks is ‘For Brian Haw’, which we’ve footage of the band performing here, exclusively.

The clip is taken from the band’s recent Moloko session; you’ll see they’re all wearing grass skirts and garlands. Fashion mavericks? You didn’t hear it here first.

The band head out on tour with The Kills later this month. To win a pair of tickets to any of the below-listed shows, simply answer this question:

XX Teens used to go under what other name?

A) Xerox Teens

B) Teenage Dirtbags

C) Filthy Dukes

Send your answer to [email protected], including your full name, address (that the tickets will be sent to, special delivery), and a contact telephone number. Also INCLUDE THE SHOW YOU WANT TO ATTEND. Competition closes at 4pm on November 6, 2008.

November tour dates with The Kills as follows…

8 Sheffield Leadmill

9 Stoke Sugarmill

10 Nottingham Rescue Rooms

16 Coventry Kasbah

17 Norwich Waterfront

19 Cambridge Junction

21 Brighton Concorde 2


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