Bristol risers Tungz are impossible to pin down.
Opaque songwriting that channels everything from yacht pop to avant R&B, synth pop through to Ariel Pink's haunted underground sounds, the band are this loose coalition of creative ideas.
Debut single 'Window Love' is a remarkable experience, a surging, writhing piece of digital pop platformed by Jamz Supernova's always on-point Future Bounce.
From the dappled guitars to the buoyant rhythm, 'Window Love' is an oblique tale of infatuation, and it comes back by some remarkable visuals.
Say the band: “We made the song by ourselves, at home, so it made sense to do the same for the video. The look and feel of the video really just followed from that.”
Tungz add: “For the proper viewer experience, please stream at 240p.”
A tale of inter-dimensional dating that is both outlandish while pulling at your heart-strings, 'Window Love' remains a strangely irresistible beast.
Tune in now.
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