Thunderbird Gerard – Thunderbird

Shot in one take...

At its best, live hip hop is one of the most thrilling musical experiences you can imagine. Beats crashing past with a fury the studio can't replicate, while an MC spits out rhymes, twisting and turning the audience as their imagination dictates.

It's fun, trust us. So when Clash were handed live footage of Thunderbird Gerard we could be forgiven for getting a little excited. The rapper is one of the year's most provocative newcomers, in a year that has laden down with sublime, forward thinking hip hop talent.

Shooting over to the UK, Topman CTRL invited the rapper to record a one off session. Part of the Topman CTRL project, Thunderbird Gerard spat out his trademark cut 'Thunderbird' in one take. Grasping the mic in one hand, the MC leers towards the camera as the beats unfold behind him.

Watch it below.

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Thunderbird Gerard is set to release new album 'Year 1' later this year.

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