Purity Ring – ‘heartsigh’

Directed by Cecil Frena and Alex Fischer...

Purity Ring's live show is a performance in every sense of the word.

Akin to some science fiction influenced piece of immersive theatre, the group's live shows are a jaw-dropping fusion of lights, cameras and plenty of action.

The video for 'heartsigh' builds on this. Cecil Frena and Alex Fischer take charge of direction, with MuchFACT helping to finance the project.

Megan James said, "it was an honest collaboration that combined the ideas of the band with the talents of the directors, dancers and crew. The video consists of the many elements we have created and chosen to express in a live context, but has an added sightline of being in another world, keeping the past in arms with the present and holding a bit of magic in the dark."

Cecil Frena adds: "Purity Ring are unsung visual artists in their own right, so Alex and I just did what we could to capture and situate the universe they've created. Also we left some chemtrails for the sci-fi nerds in there."

Check it out now.

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