Premiere: SNØSKRED – ‘Mirage’

Intriguing newcomers from Norway...

SNØSKRED have already sparked intrigue in their Norwegian homeland, with the band's experimental pop shades seeming to come from a quite original place.

New album 'Empty House' will be released on February 19th via Riot Factory, with Clash able to provide you with a preview.

'Mirage' recalls Yo La Tengo, Pavement or even Wilco's rather more oddball moments. Snøskred drummer Kyrre Laastad explains:

"'Mirage' started out as barely being something you’d consider a song, with Lars amplifying the sound of his phone through his guitar pickups, Karl playing intermittent slide guitar whilst mumbling something about how memory works and the passage of time. Thankfully Martin held it all together, stoically playing the same bass line over and over… In the end this is what we ended up with: a mirage of a song, almost, but not quite, there."

Check out 'Mirage' below.

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