Sam Frankl needed to get away.
The rising London artist wanted to fill his lungs with foreign air, to explore a different landscape.
So he hopped on a plane, and left the UK behind. Exploring South America, he indulged in different cultures, but couldn't shake his love of music.
Absorbing what he heard around him, he fused it with his own voice, developing something new in the process.
Delicious new single 'Patina' is the end result, a soulful pop banger with subtle shades of South America.
He explains: “The song is about a couple after a break up. The girl is asking, quasi masochistically, about the boy's new relationship. I don't know if you relate but it's about that odd desire to self-harm emotionally rather than succumb to complete indifference; as though to suffer at someone's hand is preferable to being dismissed by it completely.”
Tune in now.
Catch Sam Frankl at London's Omeara on March 22nd.
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