There's a stillness, a lightness of touch with Peter Gregson's music which is breathtaking.
Recently heard working as part of Michael Price's live show, the cellist has also been working on material of his own.
New album 'Touch' is out now, and it's a beautiful retur. Peter Gregson explains: “Composers are often asked what their music is about, especially with instrumental music such as this. To me, it sort of defeats the purpose and joy of listening to music. How do we interpret the emotion and meaning of music when we aren’t hand held through listening, or guided by a lyric? Just because music is slow, doesn’t mean that it is sad; just because it is fast, doesn’t make it happy.”
“The same goes for tonality: major music isn’t intrinsically happy, minor music isn’t exclusively sad. Yes, these can be devices for eliciting an emotional response, but they are not in and of themselves complete. For me, this is the magic of music. Where it isn’t objectively about something, it becomes amorphous, changing shape and purpose to fit the ear and mind of the listener. It has many lives and many meanings, none of them right and none of them wrong.”
Clash is able to premiere the video for 'Lost' and it's a pensive, introspective point of introduction for anyone keen to explore this composer's work.