Premiere: Los Angeles Songwriter Ethan Gruska Gets Remixed

Blake Mills and Shawn Everett re-work 'Me Who Wasn't Trying'...

There's a real depth to Ethan Gruska's songwriting.

Sure, the Los Angeles artist is easy on the ear, with his work displaying the impact of those long West Coast sunsets.

But beneath this lies an astounding musicality, one that moves from folk to jazz, Americana to straight up rock 'n' roll.

New album ‘Slowmotionary’ will be released on July 28th, with Ethan touching down in London's Slaughtered Lamb for an intimate concert on July 26th.

“What I hope is that people can sense the vulnerability in the writing,” says Ethan of the album. “I didn’t want perfect. I wanted true. I wanted honest. I didn’t want to hide behind anything. That’s why it’s produced and arranged the way it is. It’s very barren at certain moments. These songs slow down time for me, which is why I called it ‘Slowmotionary’. I needed to put myself out there musically and lyrically.”

Album highlight 'Me Who Wasn't Trying' has a gilded beauty, a hazy summer evening glow that lingers on top of that dexterous songwriting.

Blake Mills and Shawn Everett work together on the The Break Mirrors Remix, steering Ethan's music in a sumptuous new direction.

Tune in now.

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