Premiere: Lola Colt – ‘Vacant Hearts’

Jim Sclavunos produced new single...

With their brooding riffs and noir inspired songwriting, Lola Colt can be an intimidating proposition.

Yet underneath, there beats hearts belonging to raging romantics. New single 'Vacant Hearts' is ripped bare, with the arrangement comprising little more than a funereal organ and chiming guitars.

As the chorus kicks in, Lola Colt transform the track into something lush, wide-eyed and inspiring. Danish singer Gun delivers one of her finest vocal performances yet, desperately intoning lyrics which reek of lost love and passion dimmed.

"I was the eye of your storm" indeed…

Out on June 2nd, 'Vacant Hearts' comes equipped with a striking, kaleidoscopic video shot by Katia Ganfield and Lyndsey Lupe.

Check it out first on Clash.

Lola Colt are set to launch their new single with a show at London's Oslo venue on June 4th.

Related: Lola Colt Review The Singles

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