Canadian duo Kacy & Clayton draw from a deep musical well.
Kacy Anderson and Clayton Linthicum are entranced by folk traditions, looking beyond North America to their roots in Europe.
This isn't revivalism, though, with the duo playfully toying with those influences, conjuring something meditative and atmospheric in the process.
New album 'The Siren's Song' was produced by Jeff Tweedy, and it's a rich, absorbing series of songs, spinning old yarns in a fresh manner.
With a UK tour incoming the duo are ready to share new song 'This World Has Seven Wonders', and it's a bold, entrancing piece of music.
There's a feeling of full, ripe summer in its wide-open splendour, coupled with roots that extend back through the centuries.
Tune in now.
Catch Kacy & Clayton at the following shows:
1 Nottingham The Maze
2 Oxford The Bullingdon
3 London Bush Hall
7 Belfast Cathedral Quarter Arts Fest (Venue TBA)
8 Glasgow Broadcast
9 Liverpool Leaf
10 Newcastle The Cluny 2
11 York The Crescent
12 Bedford Ent Shed
12 Brighton The Prince Albert
15 Bristol The Tunnels
16 Winchester The Railway
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