Belgian duo Esther & Fatou have some magical, unexplainable quality to their music.
The chemistry between them is natural and inherent, matching dreamy melodies against hints of folk-hewn sparsity.
New single 'At Night' is out now on PIAS, and it's fragrant Americana is matched to some beautiful production effects.
Breezy, organic, and beguiling, it's inky twilight feel is inspired by lengthy night-time walks through the city.
"It’s a song about the way everything is seen in a different light at night", Esther & Fatou explain, “the track was inspired by a nighttime walk through the city, when we began to wonder about ourselves and other people."
In a very organized society in which everyone is expected to make a distinct contribution, there comes the night: full of chaos, everyone is left with their thoughts, insecurities and secrets. The nighttime raises more questions about existence and faith. By morning; they all seem to disappear."
Jonathan Del Piero directed the visuals, gracefully adapting the duo's music into a clip fuelled by luxurious mystery.
Tune in now.
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