Des Rocs Shares ‘Suicide Romantics’ Live Performance

He's an independent success story...

New York artist Des Rocs has shared a live take on 'Suicide Romantics'.

The songwriter has become an independent success story, working from his NYC bedroom to produce gritty nuggets of emo-driven pop music.

Recent EP 'This Is Our Life' continued his rise, and it was accompanied by a live-stream performance – naturally, in-person events couldn't happen at that point.

The stream emphasised the connection Des Rocs has with his fans, and it teased material due on his forthcoming debut album 'A Real Good Person In A Real Bad Place'.

Out on September 24th, you can order the album HERE – but we've managed to snag a preview.

'Suicide Romantics' appeared on his recent EP, and it became a central moment of the recent live-stream, a jumping off point into his world.

The performance itself exudes the sheer belief that has taken the songwriter so far on his solitary journey, as well as his openness, and willingness to communicate.

Check out 'Suicide Romantics' below.

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