The Orb have announced two special British shows following their ‘Metallic Spheres’ album.
The roots of ambient music stretch back across the decades. Formed at the dawn of Acid House, The Orb are often credited as inventing the genre but were keen to point to their antecedents.
The duo often cited Pink Floyd as an influence, and their latest effort brings them into contact with the band’s guitarist. David Gilmour recorded over an hour of music, working solo with his guitar.
Handing the recordings over to The Orb, the pair then teamed up with producer Youth and worked the lengthy improvisations into two epic tracks. ‘Metallic Spheres’ consists of two track, each with five movements which last for 25 minutes each.
Long, languid and organic the tracks unfold at a distinctly natural pace. One of The Orb’s most artistically successful projects in a decade, ‘Metallic Spheres’ delighted fans while pointing to future directions.
Now the band have confirmed two special shows. Billed as the ‘Ambient Spheres Gala’ the dates will see The Orb traverse territory explored on their recent album, as well as re-visiting classic material.
The Orb will play London’s Scala venue on December 11th, splitting the show into two segments comprising old and new material. The second show takes place in Manchester on December 12th, with the duo using the city’s Club Academy venue as a base for their experimental oscillations.
Tickets are on sale now.
The Orb are set to play:
11 London Scala
12 Manchester Club Academy