Legendary Motown performer Stevie Wonder has added a Manchester show to his summer tour.
Stevie Wonder is a musical colossus. Winning an astonishing 25 Grammy awards in a career which began when he was still a child, the Motown icon broke sales records and pushed pop music forwards.
Continually innovating, the singer’s run of albums in the 70s turned perceptions of soul music on their head. Using the studio as an instrument Stevie Wonder shut himself away from the outside world, focussing purely on his music.
Sure, he’s never quite recaptured that glorious form but then, no else has either. Returning to the UK last year Stevie Wonder played a series of wonderful concerts, blending classic material with new music.
Set to return this summer, Stevie Wonder has already confirmed a mouth watering appearance at Glastonbury. Closing the Worthy Farm event in its 40th years the Motown icon’s performance has all the markings of a classic.
In addition to this Stevie Wonder is planning to play a series of dates around the festival performance. Due to perform at Hard Rock Calling, the singer has also confirmed details of a slot at Manchester on June 29th.
Taking place at the city’s Evening News Arena, tickets are available from Friday (April 23rd). Speaking to fans, Stevie Wonder said simply: “I am looking forward to performing in these venues in Europe. We are going to have some wonderful nights”.
Stevie Wonder is set to play the following show:
29 Manchester Evening News Arena