Pirate Studios Announce Intimate Gig Series

In association with national club night, This Feeling...

From its origins in an abandoned police station in Bristol, Pirate Studios has grown into a national network of studios, which now operates 90 rehearsal studios in eight cities across the UK: Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Leicester, Liverpool, London and Sheffield.

More than just an affordable place to practice, the intentions behind Pirate Studios were to establish a community that provides structure and support for young, aspiring artists.

“It has never been harder for musicians to make a living from their music, so our aim is simple: to make their lives easier,” says David Borrie, Pirate Studios' founder. “Like pirate radio before us, we are supporting the undiscovered musicians who will form the future of UK music.”

With impressive and innovative facilities such as OpenLive, which offers instantly mixed and mastered recordings of rehearsals, and the forthcoming opportunity to broadcast online live from the studios, the ever-widening network is truly establishing itself as a platform for musicians to launch themselves from.

To celebrate and showcase their impressive technologies, Pirate Studios have partnered with esteemed club night This Feeling to present a series of gigs next month that pair up new and familiar names in intimate settings.

The Zutons frontman Dave McCabe will play his hometown of Liverpool with support from Hello Operator, while in Nottingham, April and local herpes The Assist will share the stage. The Blinders and Bang Bang Romeo will team up in Sheffield, and The Libertines’ own pirate captain, Carl Barât, will play host to BlackWaters in London.

“This is next level stuff,” enthuses This Feeling main man, Mikey Jonns. “Pirate Studios are investing in Britain's next generation of bands, and it's exciting and an absolute pleasure to be partnering up with these guys.”

All gigs are invite-only; head to the Pirate Studios website (piratestudios.co.uk/launch) to secure your place.

Full dates:

Saturday 18th March
Dave McCabe (The Zutons) + Hello Operator

Saturday 25th March
April + The Assist

Thursday 30th March
Carl Barât + BlackWaters

Saturday 1st April
The Blinders + Bang Bang Romeo

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