In their continuing series of live events in the heart of Shoreditch, Ibiza Rocks brought their first party of 2016 to their Boxpark venue, breaking in the new year as they mean to go on.
Fresh Out The Box is a monthly event that presents a handpicked line-up of unsigned bands, alongside the DJ skills of BBC Radio 1’s Phil Taggart – a man with his finger on the pulse of new music.
January’s stage was governed by Nottingham duo Shelter Point, whose warm, hazy synths defied the frosty conditions outside, offering a glowing, summery optimism to those inside, and Brighton two-piece Sea Bed, whose sultry club pop could thaw even the most frozen feet.
Check out what went down in the event gallery above. The next Fresh Out The Box will be held at Boxpark on February 25th, when Hidden Charms and Vukovi will be upholding Ibiza Rocks' party reputation.
For more info on this event, check out the FOTB Facebook page.