New York dance punk dons LCD Soundsystem are among the first wave of names to be confirmed for this year’s Electric Picnic.
Ireland is famous for its musical heritage, with the nation’s folk scene acting as a well spring of traditional songwriting. In the rock era, the Emerald Isle has given us the likes of U2, The Thrills and many more.
Hosted on Stradbally Hall Estate, Electric Picnic is the carefully chosen event Ireland deserves. Capable of bringing together star names, the festival remains small enough that it does not seem overpowering.
In a press conference this morning (March 24th) organisers revealed a number of names on the line up. LCD Soundsystem are to play at the Irish event, with their final tour set to begin shortly.
Due to release their third album this summer, James Murphy has decided to call time on LCD Soundsystem. Set to play a lengthy British tour, it is not known if the band will survive as a touring entity.
Joining the New York dance punks on the bill are legendary British act Roxy Music. Possibly the most avant garde group to score a number one with their debut single, the band are back for a trawl through the archives.
Also confirmed to perform are London based indie folk star Mumford And Sons, who will play alongside the likes of The National, garage goth types The Horrors and one man blues machine Seasick Steve.
The seventh instalment of Electric Picnic, organisers are already working to secure the next wave of acts for the festival.
Electric Picnic is due to take place between September 3rd – 5th.