Controversy courting director Von Trier is once again on the cusp of delivering another of his singular features. It’s believed his latest film ‘Melancholia’ will screen at Cannes next month; we can hear the crirtics drawing their knives already.
The Danish directors past movies have almost entirely polarised audiences. Early work ‘The Idiots’ offended, ‘Dancer In The Dark’ perplexed and latest offering ‘Antichrist’ was for many, simply beyond the pale. However, it appears that he may have matured into a less sensationalist storyteller in this, a tale of the worlds end. We know very little about the story arc other than a newly discovered planet is on a collision course with earth but who cares when the cinematography in the trailer is so stunning, full of muted shades and exquisite lighting. He’s certainly gathered together a seriously impressive cast featuring Kirsten Dunst, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Kiefer Sutherland, Charlotte Rampling, John Hurt, Stellan and Alexander Skarsgård to tell his apocalyptic story.
Von Trier was quoted a saying about his latest release, “In ‘Melancholia’ I start with the end. Because what is interesting is not what happens but how it happens! So we begin by seeing the world being crushed, then we can tell the story afterwards… In this way you don’t have to sit and form theories about what will happen, but can delve down into some other levels and become interested in the pictures and the universe – that’s what I imagine”.
‘Melancholia’ is set for release in the UK on 1st July 2011.