The release of trailer for the Joaquin Phoenix documentary ‘I’m Still Here’ seems to have done nothing whatsoever to quash the confusion of what really is going on. Directed by Phoenix’s friend and brother in law Casey Affleck, the documentary seems to be just one more bizarre twist in the tale. Whether this is indeed more of a ‘mockumentary’ than a documentary the film will leave you none the wiser. It seems that rather than providing an explanation for Joaquin’s new persona – bearded man, rap star and retired actor – the film instead focuses on providing snippets of some of Phoenix’s more strange behaviour; running riot around various hotel rooms, husky voice overs, rap shows and plenty nudity. It remains difficult to be believe that something so ridiculous could be true, but there is still a niggling feeling that this just could be the capture of one actor’s unfortunate demise. Despite this film being unable to fill in any gaps focus onlookers….perhaps some things are just better left unsolved.
‘I’m Still Here’ will be released on September 10th in cinemas across America, the release date for the UK is yet to be confirmed.