Drowners are proving that not even a mathematician can quantify how this four-piece Britpop garage band from New York could gain so much notoriety and attention in so little time. This band hadn’t had the time to fully set up their social media before they were asked by Justin Young, frontman of The Vaccines, to open for them at Manahttan’s Webster Hall. This was just six days after their first ever performance at Lower East Side’s Pianos.
The band formed in 2011 when Welsh-born lead singer Matthew Hitt moved to New York permanently; with the arduous career of being a professional male model. Hitt redeems himself instantly when asked about the model-turned-rock-star reference. Shyly laughing, he says: “[Music] was always the plan. I am actually really happy about this. Now it’s just to find the time to write for the full-length.”
And write he does. For the songwriting process he draws inspiration from his passion for literature, which he is degreed in, as well as his writing journal. “I write and jam on my guitar every day.”
He quickly recruited locals Erik Snyder (bass), Jack Ridley (guitar) and David Rubin (drums). Their music dynamics – being influenced by The Smiths, and current Coachella headliners Blur, The Stone Roses, and New Order 0 had fleshed out the first EP, ‘Between Us Girls”.
‘Between Us Girls’ clocks in at just under six minutes and three precious songs. By the end of the lead track ‘Long Hair’ you are reaching for your iPod to replay. It starts out feverishly with waves of plucky guitar Strokes-esque rock riffs, and gently placed lyrics with remnants of angsty love triangles of summer flings. Matt is the first to give credit to New York for being influential in the intensity of the tracks and length. Citing New York’s in-your-face, to the point culture.
With new songs in their live show yet to be recorded and with the first UK dates to be announced soon, Drowners have plenty to give despite their short length songs to satiate the appetite for the long journey of Rockdom.
Words: Jenna Aranda
Photography: Dom Smith
What: Revamped Brit Pop Garage
Where: New York City
Get 3 Songs: ‘Long Hair’, ‘You’ve Got It All Wrong’, ‘A Shell Across The Tongue’
Unique Fact: To battle homesick blues, Matt likes to spin all British music DJ set at Black Market in the LES, which he calls “The Clubhouse”.