Soon to release their debut album, It Hugs Back are gearing up for a great 2009 which should see the Kentish indie foursome’s swoonsome and soothing melodious tones reach audiences anew.
‘Inside Your Guitar’, said record, is released via 4AD on April 6 and has been preceded by the single ‘Now + Again’, reviewed HERE. Following the release of their debut, the four-piece – Matt (guitar, vocals), Jack (organ, vocals), Dimitri (drums) and Paul (bass) – will cross the Channel to tour in support of fantastic instrumental rockers Holy Fuck. Nice work if you can get it.
But before all that, the band call in at tomorrow’s Clash Saturday Social @ RoTa (March 28, 4pm-8pm, Notting Hill Arts Club, free entry), supported by the equally magnificent Animal Kingdom and Dutch Uncles. Expect to fall for their laidback lo-fi anthems at a special up close and intimate show that promises to be one to remember. Get more details HERE.
Matt and Dimitri kindly took the time to answer Clash’s Live Talking questions…
Are you a band that records to tour, or that tours to record? Or do you not see the two as separate parts of what you do?
Dimitri: I don’t think I prefer one to the other.
Matt: Recording is my first love! That’s where I’m happiest.
Do you feel you translate well as a live act, perhaps better than on record, or have live shows been a bigger learning process than writing/recording?
Matt: Playing live is a completely different experience for us to recording… I think live we get, as a band, more loud and excitable, which I like. I like going to see a band and it being different from their records.
Dimitri: I think when we started as a band our recordings were better. But we’ve tried to make the way our sets go together better, and I think that has improved us live a lot.
Matt: I think the few hundred odd gigs have helped, too! Definitely helped us be more comfortable and play together better as a band.
To date, what show stands out in your memory as the best you’ve played?
Dimitri: I don’t have a very good memory, but we played a few weeks ago with Mi Mye in Leeds and that was good. It had a really good sound.
Matt: That was at the Brudenell Social Club.
What’s the best show (by another band) that you’ve been to? Perhaps not ever, but certainly of late…
Matt: Jack and I went to see Stereolab in London just before Christmas, and that was the best gig recently. They’re a good example of a band who are different to their records, and still great live.
And what about the worst show? By yourselves… is there a venue/town you’ll happily never return to?
Dimitri: Yeah, there’s two… but it wouldn’t be polite to name them!
Matt: Doncaster and Hull.
Say you’ve the budget to put on your ultimate four-band bill, featuring yourselves – who plays and in what order? No bringing anyone back from the dead, here, but defunct bands can count.
Matt: Okay, I think I would like Jim O’Rourke to play first – him playing anything will be fine by me – and then us. Next maybe Polar Bear, who are one of my favourite live bands, and finally Sonic Youth, who need no reasoning!
How does the band keep itself entertained on the road? Any bus games you break out for motorway gridlock?
Dimitri: Yeah, we’ve got a few games… We’ve never had to resort to I Spy, I think we’re saving that for an emergency.
Matt: You’re good at the games, Dimitri! The best so far was Room 101, with Dimitri as Stephen Fry and other the three of us individually picking three things to banish to the room. It made a drive back from Cardiff go pretty quick, and allowed me to vent my disdain for tomato ketchup at the same time.
What tips would you give a new band about to embark on their first ‘proper’ tour?
Dimitri: Take a pillow… or even one each.
Matt: I’ve never taken a pillow! Maybe that’s where I’m going wrong?
It Hugs Back headline tomorrow’s Clash Saturday Social @ RoTa (Notting Hill Arts Club, 4pm-8pm, free entry; plus Animal Kingdom and Dutch Uncles; full details HERE). ‘Inside Your Guitar’ is released on April 6 via 4AD and the band subsequently tour Europe with Holy Fuck. Find dates and more information on MySpace.