Sweet Baboo has an enormously broad musical knowledge.
New album 'The Boombox Ballads' finds the Welsh artist effortlessly flicking through his record collection, veering from indie pop to Northern Soul, plaintive balladry to rather more raucous fare.
Out on Friday (August 14th) it's an enthralling return, with Sweet Baboo self-consciously adopting these influences but overlaying them with a neat, utterly distinct, lyrical wit.
Clash probed Sweet Baboo on the influences which swirl around his new record – check it out now.
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Arthur Russell – 'This Is How We Walk On The Moon'
I guess I was pretty late to Arthur Russell’s party and he’s a pretty popular choice in top fives these days but, hey ho, I’m not complaining; I like him a lot. I spent a lot of 2013 listening to his music and that’s when we started making the new album so it must be influenced by him, even if my songs are a world apart from his. I read his biography around the same time too. I reckon I’m at GCSE level Arthur Russell. That’s not too bad.
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The Beach Boys – 'Gettin’ Hungry'
I could have chosen any song from the 'Smiley Smile' album really. It’s a pretty great listen from start to finish. [Hum] I may be unpopular here but I’d even go as far to say that it’s better than the 'Smile' album; I can take or leave that. According to Wikipedia, 'Gettin’ Hungry' was a single too which I never knew. Bold choice of single, especially after 'Good Vibrations' and 'Heroes And Villains'. I wonder if it got much radio play? I wonder if Mike Love approved? I hope the Brian Wilson biopic is good.
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Thin Lizzy – 'Dancing In The Moonlight (It’s Caught Me In The Spotlight)'
As I have mentioned before, I love Thin Lizzy and try to listen to them at least once a day to give me an energy boost. The track should not be confused, although it often is, with a similarly titled song, Dancing in the Moonlight, recorded by King Harvest and more recently by Toploader. I’m not as fussed on that song I’m afraid.
Belle & Sebastian – 'If She Wants Me'
For a band often described as lo-fi and twee, this is some seriously funky shit.
The Walker Brothers – 'No Regrets'
Although we blatantly ripped off another Walker Brothers song for the album, it’s best not to talk about that one in case of a 'Blurred Lines' type lawsuit and subsequent court case. Instead I’ve chosen the Walker Brothers comeback single No Regrets. It was their final chart success reaching number seven in the UK charts. I think our album was mastered at the place where Scott Walker made 'The Drift' and I happily spent the afternoon wandering round the studio complex trying to find out where the man punched a slab of meat. I wanted to take a picture so I could send it to my manager Pete.
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Frank Sinatra and Duke Ellington – 'Come Back To Me'
For no other reason than if my dad reads this.
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'The Boombox Ballads' will be released on August 14th. Sweet Baboo will play the following shows:
14 London Rough Trade East
16 Leeds Brudenell Social Club
17 Liverpool Leaf
18 Sheffield Leadmill
19 Glasgow King Tuts
20 York The Crescent
22 Birmingham The Rainbow
23 London Bethnal Green Working Men's Club
24 Northampton Lamplighter
25 Newcastle Cluny 2
26 Manchester Deaf Institute
27 Nottingham Bodega Social Club
30 Bristol Thekla
1 Brighton The Old Market
2 Ashford Revelation St Mary's
3 Cardiff The Globe