Proprietors of two of the best names in music – Dean Spunt and Randy Randall – LA duo No Age this year scaled back the incoherent squall of noise and considerably refined their sound.
“We’re just getting better at playing our instruments and writing our songs, but I’m not sure if that’s intended or if it’s just natural from playing so much,” Spunt remarked on their accomplishments. They even threw in some electronics. “I think that we’re learning – like I didn’t really know how to play when we first started and I still don’t really know what I’m doing. What’s happening is that sometimes I feel not knowing is better. So constantly experimenting with new stuff – samplers, keyboards and so on – really keeps that fresh.”
Best Bit: Their exhilarating, frenetic live shows which this year saw the duo take a third member along for the ride.
Read an interview with No Age HERE.
Read Clash’s album review of ‘Everything In Between’ HERE.