Marking 20 years of the debut eponymous album from Gorillaz this year, the animated band fronted by Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett has unveiled a series of celebratory launches for 2021. Founded in 1998 by musician Damon Albarn and artist Jamie Hewlett, the five-piece, two-dimensional collective have since released a total of seven albums over the last two decades. Following on from their 2020 album ‘Song Machine – Season One: Strange Timez’ the band announced a reissue campaign for their albums, with an earlier press release promising an “abundance of declassified gems." Alongside archival reissues, the band is relaunching the Gorillaz G Foot Collection clothing line.
A twelve-piece capsule collection inspired by each band member’s own personal style is available from today. Adorned with classic Gorillaz motifs and illustrations, the collection of hoodies, t-shirts and sweatpants showcases a series of influential pieces from the innovative team behind Gorillaz.
Featuring bold Japanese typography, Russel’s iconic crane print kimono, 2D’s oversized hockey jersey, a reversible gold satin jacket from Noodle and a Pazuzu embroidered bomber from Murdoc alongside G Foot’s signature gorilla palm print, the capsule is influential and collectable.
"This is real style in a cartoon world," says creative director Remi Kabaka. "We've put together casual classics, clothes that speak to you and about you. Clothing is an unspoken language that binds us all together. We can't wait until you get your hands on this collection."
Available now at G Foot, END. and Selfridges, and from Flannels next week.